The Happniess List 003
001 Still thinking about our yearly weekend away with all the family that happened the other weekend. Nothing better than a long weekend with good food and good company!
002 Getting in a food making rut and then having a browse on Pinterest and finding a lot of new exciting recipes to try.
003 Sitting inside while it’s raining with the fire on, a hot chocolate and Netflix.
004 Gossip Girl and Heroes on Netflix. Needless to say I haven’t been very productive with these two favourites being readily available and I’ve started watching them both from the beginning. I’ve watched Gossip Girl all the way through several times but this is the first I’ve rewatched Heroes. Everything is happening a lot sooner than I remembered. I’m on episode eight I think and already they’ve saved the cheerleader. I thought this happened near the very end of season one and I cannot remember what happens in the other three seasons. It’s exciting though as it almost feels like I’m watching it again for the first time.
006 Buying a pair of boots that I love and actually fit. I hate shoe shopping as having wide feet means more often than not, shoes I like just don’t fit.
007 A new jumper that I just cannot stop wearing. It’s navy blue with white polka dots and sort of reminds me of a Christmas jumper. I will still happily wear it all year round though.
008 Discovering a good book even if it is a giant hardback that weighs a ton and feels like it’s breaking my shoulder when I drag it to and from work in my bag everyday.
009 Lemsip. The only way I got through work this week. Which leads me onto …
010 Finally having a good night sleep after a week of a horrible cold and waking up what felt like every thirty minutes with a coughing fit. Also being able to sleep actually lying down! There were a few days I had to sleep with four pillows practically sitting up as I couldn’t breathe properly and it was not comfy!
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