The Random Purchase To Avoid Paying Postage

life daily fix muscle relief bath soak rottenotter rotten otter blog

If you read my The Back Up // Toner post then you'll know I recently made an Space NK order. I had £5 worth of NDuldge points that were expiring and I had to use them by a certain date. I may have also ordered another cleanser that I didn't really need, I still have a couple more to finish off, but that's for another post. The two items I wanted meant I was only £3 away from free delivery since they upped the total to £60. There was no way I wanted to pay £5 for postage but neither did I want to spend a further £20 on something else. After a quick browse of the sale I spotted this from Life Nk, a brand I don't really know much about, but is by the founder of SpaceNK, Nicky Kinnaird.

I wasn't expecting much from it but I was happy to pay the £4.50 for it and get free delivery. After the first use though I knew I found an alternative to Mio Liquid Yoga which I have just ran out of and since I am trying to finish all the products I currently have, I have not repurchased it. At the full price, there isn't really much difference between this and Liquid Yoga but for the sale price, it really is a bargain.

The consistency of this looks more like a shower gel whereas liquid yoga is more like a runny oil. This is packed full of Dead Sea salts along with eucalyptus, peppermint, lavender, rosemary and armoise. You simply need a cap-full poured into running water to completely unwind and relax. This is the perfect pick me up mid-week or for a long soak with a good book at the weekend. The two are extremely similar. The Mio bath soak may be made up of better ingredients but at the rate I use it. it does work out quite expensive.

Despite being on a spending ban of sorts, I might need to stock up on a couple of bottles while it's still on sale. It's going to save me some money in the long run by not spending £26 on Liquid Yoga. At least that's what I'm trying to tell myself!

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  1. lol yea these simplistic packaging can be rather deterrent from how fab they are, ive had the muscle soak... massage in a bottle!


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