Shopping // Essentials

shopping rottenotter rotten otter blog 1
The Konjac Sponge for Tired or Devitalized Skin // The Konjac Sponge for Oily + Spot Prone Skin // Philip Kingsley Daily Damage Defence Conditioning Spray // Deep Steep Honeydew And Spearmint Bubble Bath // Thierry Mugler Alien Extraordinaire Perfume // Original Source Orange And Ginger Shower Gel // Original Source Pineapple And Coconut Oil Shower Gel. 

First Impressions:
  • two sponges, I couldn't decide which one to get so I got both
  • another bottle of daily defence, my favourite leave-in conditioner
  • I prefer Alien Extraordinaire to the original 
  • needed a new bubble bath and went for this unusual scent
  • two new scents from original source, they both smell amazing

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  1. Original Source are my favourite body washes! They smell too good to pass up and I'm so happy to see they have a moisturising formula now!

  2. Konjac Sponges are my favourite! ^ ___ ^

  3. I love original source, orange and ginger sounds like it would really wake you up in the mornings! I live citrus smells.

    India / Touchscreens & Beautyqueens

  4. I have been meaning to get the Konjac sponges for really long but haven't been able to decide which one to get! I guess ill start with the Tired skin version what do you think?


  5. Those Konjac sponges look so interesting! Do you find them effective? Should I part with my money for one?

    Jill |


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