Pamper Day

Inspired by Vivianna's weekend pamper post I thought I'd write my own post about my pamper day yesterday.   It was a much needed treat as my skin and hair have been really dry recently and my nail polish was badly chipped.

Started my day with a nice long bubble bath using Original Source Lavender & Tea Tree shower. This smells amazing and is incredibly relaxing! I also started reading Masquerade, the second book in the Blue Blood series. Only read a few chapters but hope it's as good as the first. Really could have done with a Lush bubble bar or bath melt but I haven't got any at the moment. Waiting for some new products to come out then I'll make an order.

After the bath I popped on a layer of Lush Dream Cream. My eczema on my legs has been quite bad recently. It always seem to flare up with weather change and it's definitely gotten colder recently. We even had to put our central heating on for the first time the other day. Then to any super dry areas I applied Weleda Skin Food*, I'll be writing a more in depth post about this soon!

Then it was time to tackle my extremely dry head of hair! I mixed together Liz Earle Conditioner* and Macadamia Oil to create a deep treatment, applied to hair and left on for 30 mins.

While my hair mask was on I used Liz Earle Eye Bright as a 10 min treatment for my eyes. This is perfect if your eyes are feeling tried, sore or dry. Especially good if you suffer from hey fever! You simply pore some onto two cotton pads and leave on your eyes.

Once the 30mins are up I shampoo and condition as normal and wrap my hair in a towel. After 15-30mins I apply my chosen hair product to style. Today I went with the Macadamia Oil again applying evenly to my hair and avoiding my roots. As I've only used this two times I'm not really sure how I feel. It's thicker than V05's so I feel like I'm using a lot more of it.

Sometimes from washing my hair my hands can feel really dry and sore, another bonus of having eczema! To combat this I apply a lot of L'Occitane dry skin hand cream. This cream is amazing, it's really thick but soaks in seamlessly. There is no greasy feeling left afterwards, only your skin feeling incredible. I don't like the smell of this one, think I'm going to try a few others and find a better scent.

Once my hand cream had soaked in I applied my chosen nail polish. I went with H&M Looks Great On You, you can see a NOTD here.

There we have it! My pamper day products, sometimes they change or I add in a few others but these are what I used yesterday. I love to have these days and just sit and watch films! Definitely my way of relaxing.


  1. Pamper days are fab :D Love your new blog layout! xx

  2. Oooh I adore pamper days, I think I need to do one :-)

  3. Ah, sounds so lovely! Love that nail colour x

  4. I love pamper days! I got that nail polish recently because I saw it on your blog and thought was a really pretty colour for autumn! xx

  5. @Claire, definitely! Always good to pamper yourself after a busy week :) xx

  6. @Natalie, me too! Haven't got another polish like it :) xx

  7. @Nowhere Follies, I hope you like it! :) xxx

  8. Ooh sounds lovely. I fancy a pamper day now :) x

  9. @Stefany, definitely have one :) xx

  10. Ooh a pamper day sounds lovely!


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