March Scavenger Hunt

a collection – couldn’t have picked a different collection could I? I do write a blog mostly about beauty products.

a fancy gate – this is the gate to a park about 10 minutes away from my house. I used it as a background for a photo shoot for one of my uni interviews.

a lamb – this one was fairly easy, Liverpool is known for it’s lambanana’s and this one is right outside my work so I see it every day.

a lion – this one was really hard! I didn’t want to take a photo of a lion statue as I thought everyone would do that, I didn’t want to take a photo of a lion bar as I’ve given up chocolate for lent so I went with the lion on a 10p

a rainbow – I couldn’t decide so I’ve gone for two rainbow photos. It’s a shame I couldn’t take a photo of a real rainbow but I haven’t seen any this month. The little rainbow but thing is on the desk of one of my colleagues.

a ring – I’ve taken a similar photo to this before but decided to do it again as this is my favourite ring.

a shadow

an empty chair – this chair is in my work, obviously it stays empty, those spikes would be uncomfortable to sit on!

peeling paint – our sorry for itself back gate, it really needs replacing!

something as old as you

something green – this little animal was sitting on my desk when I started at work so I’ve adopted it!


something sentimental – my memory box


  1. Beautiful, each one had its own story which I loved.

  2. That floral card is amazing, where is it from?

  3. @Yours truly suki, thanks :) xxx

  4. @Meowcake, think it was from somewhere in the lake district :) xxx


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