Alterations To My Room

I'm constantly finding new objects to put in my bedroom, art to hang on the walls, things to make and DIY's. My bedroom says a lot about me and my personality but then it still has bits of furniture from when I was younger and a teenager. It's a mix that really doesn't look good together. I'm still living with my parents at the moment which I hope will change some point soon so I don't want to make any major changes.
week in photos 089 2
This was when my veg plants where taking over my bedroom!

If I could completely re-do my room I'd get a double bed (I still have a single at the moment), new wardrobes and while I'm at it I'll have a blogging and craft room as well and an en suite bathroom. Obviously this isn't going to happen. I've created a list of small changes I'd like to make over the next few months so hopefully my room will feel a bit more "me" while I'm still living here.
  • paint over the feature wall white
  • take down old curtains and put up a blind
  • new desk
  • cover chair cushion
  • new bed linen & blankets
  • do something with old shelves
  • new rug
  • declutter! 
All the furniture I've bought is white so I'm slowly trying to get rid of the pine which is my old furniture. Instead of buying a whole new wardrobe I'm thinking of just painting the doors which should make a huge difference. 
alterations to my bedroom
I also really want some sort of storage for my cameras but I can't find what I want. Although saying that, I'm not really sure what I want and will probably know when I see it. The only thing I know is I want it to be enclosed though to keep the dust to a minimum. Something like Kaylah's from Dainty Squid but a bit more modern looking.
Photo credit: Dainty Squid

Are you happy with how your bedroom is decorate? If you could start from scratch what would you do differently?


  1. I love the look of your room! Mine looks boring in comparison. I got a double bed last year, so I've been buying nice duvet sets as I know I can use them when I move out. My room has changed a great deal in the last year and it's now starting to look how I want it to! Before, every bit of furniture was different because we'd been given it by various people. I'd still like to change the carpet and curtains though x

    1. I guess because I live in it 24/7 I don't see how other people see my room. I'm constantly thinking of ways to change and improve it. Don't think I'll ever be 100% happy with it haha :)

      Yeah that's how I'm thinking at the moment. Whatever I buy something I always think if it'll be good for when I move out. Really want to get a double bed though just no point if I don't know when I'm going to move :) xx

  2. I am loving your collection of Cameras! They are so cool. Are most of them still working? Your space looks so nice & creative.

    1. The camera collection actually isn't mine, it's I was using the photo as an example of how I want to display mine :) xx

  3. I planning on decluttering and redecorating my room too.
    I plan to paint my feature wall white, get a new bed (double to ikea day bed), get new wardrobes, put up some shelves and re jig everything around, than I hunk I'll be happy with my room


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