Week in photos 004

001 Spent Sunday going round the National History Museum.
002 and then travelled back home via the train. My Ipod kept me sane.
003 I was welcomed home by this beautiful sunset.
004 I spent a long time trying to take photos of my NYX palette a long with swatches and failed badly. Lighting was not my friend this day.
005 My parents went away for the weekend to Leeds and the neighbours cat kept me company.
006 I won some Gogo Philip jewellery from the competition in which they partnered with the Telegraph. Here's a sneak peek
007 And another one. A blogpost will be up this week including a little giveaway.
008 I finally painted my nails, I haven't done so for like two months. A NOTD will be up this week as well.
What have you been up to this week?


  1. Hey sweet, just thought I would let you know something.
    I looooove love love your blog and your photography blog and I know you're very passionate about photography.
    However, the large and super quality of your photos makes it very hard to read your blog and scroll.
    Sometimes it takes a while for the photo to load too.
    My computer is not poop but above average and I am just worried that other girls may experience the same thing and possibly turn off.
    I don't want them to because you blog is very inspirational.
    Just thought I would give you my feedback!

  2. I'm not sure what it is that makes the page load slowly :(
    Your art page, all the photos load quickly and the photos on that are larger!
    Your photos are definitely better this size on this blog but for some reason it's still loading slowly even though I have visited and loaded the pages before. Scrolling is still difficult. It's weird, it's not like you have anything loading on your page that makes it slow, like music or videos. I am hoping it's just my internet/computer.

  3. If I see any improvement I will give you a buzz! :)

  4. So beautiful pictures!!


  5. can't resist a catblogphoto, even if it is the neighbour's! x

  6. @Annabelle, it's the funniest cat! :) xx


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