Lush Fizzbanger ballistic

I will always have a soft spot for the BFG as I loved watching it when I was younger. When I heard Lush were bringing out a ballistic named after it I knew I had to try it.
This ballistic is plain yellow on the outside but once popped into the bath blue bubbles start shooting out from the centre. This then mixes with the yellow and turns the water a bright green. Not the best coloured bath water to relax in, it reminded me of fairy washing up liquid.
Once the ballistic had dissolved completely you are left with a little note all scrolled up as you can in the photo above. This is the perfect addition and goes with the BFG theme so well.
The fragrance of this ballistic is that of B’s perfume Love, which you can find here. The scent is  split up though, the yellow outside layer smells like apples and then when the blue centre opens you get the scent of cinnamon and toffee. It’s a really nice scent and they go really well together.
There’s lots of popping candy in this ballistic too which just adds to the whole BFG experience.
Have you tired this one? What did you think?


  1. Love the colours and the scents & popping candy make it sound ten times better!
    This will be at the top of my Lush wishlist :)

  2. @Louise, I love the popping candy in it :) xx

  3. I will once again, have to try this on your reccomendation ;) xxxx

  4. @Amelia, let me know if you like it :) xx


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